
Make sure you have xcode installed (MacOS only)

First off, it’s recommended to create a virtualenv. If you don’t know how, you, can follow these instructions:

Once your virtualenv is activated, install the required packages:

$ pip install stravapi
$ pip install uwsgi

If you run into openssl problems on MacOS, you may need to run the following:

$ brew install openssl

Now you are going to need to configure pystrava which it will handle the authentication to Strava API. You can configure it by following this link.

Basically you will need to export the following environment variables as this API does not support other methods at the moment:

$ export CLIENT_ID=
$ export SECRET=
$ export CALLBACK_URL=
$ export SCOPE=
$ export EMAIL=
$ export PASSWORD=

Clone this repository as follows:

$ git clone

and then you should be able to run:

$ cd stravapi/
$ hug -f stravapi/

Or if you prefer to run it with uwsgi:

$ uwsgi --http \
    --wsgi-file $HOME/.pyenv/versions/<your_version>/envs/uwsgi/lib/python<your_version>/site-packages/stravapi/ \
    --callable \

Both commands will expose a RestAPI on port 8000. You can open a browser and try different activities with the given URLs:

- http://localhost:8000/activities?activity_type=swim&number=4
- http://localhost:8000/activities?activity_type=ride&number=1
- http://localhost:8000/activities?activity_type=run&number=10